a website for traintards,
by traintards

cseries.live, to many, is a solution in search of a problem. But for few of us, it couldn't be more important.

Perth, Western Australia has one main agency that operates public transport in the city: Transperth. Now, Transperth has recently introduced the first new model of train to enter service on Perth's rail network since 2004. This model of train is known as the C Series.

(If you've made it to this page, then you probably knew that already. A little refresher never hurts though.)

Unfortunately, as I write this in 2024, there aren't many C Series' operating across Transperth's network. This makes finding them virtually impossible, as there is no (easily-accessible) data from Transperth themselves.

I built cseries.live because I wanted to have this information at my fingertips. And I know I'm not the only one. So please, feel free to use this website as much as you want (at least until the PTA have it taken down).


Thanks to the following people for their help in making this website possible:

traintard noun

an individual obsessed with trains; a train enthusiast

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